How to Have Fewer Conflicts, More Engagement, Better Relationships and More Respect, In Just 3 Sessions with a New & Fully Guaranteed Approach 

If you feel like you've tried everything but teaching still feels more difficult than it should, then you don't need yet another classroom management technique. It's time to try something different. 

"I ended up rediscovering the joy of being a teacher!"

Connect With Your Students (and anyone else) To Reach New Levels of Mutual Respect and Cooperation

Magic Conversations is a transformative process rooted in Non-Violent Communication (NVC) principles, positive psychology, and deep understanding of human needs.


  • The Needs-Focused Communication Process for navigating challenging conversations so both parties can feel heard, respected, and understood. This is the foundation for new levels of connection and understanding in all your relationships. 
  • How to develop and express personal boundaries so you can create a healthier work-life balance and reduce stress
  • How to express disagreement without blame so you can maintain positive relationships with colleagues, students, and parents
  • How to deal with conflict in a win/win manner that allows both parties to benefit and grow
  • How to respond when you feel belittled, attacked or ignored so you can maintain your composure and professionalism in challenging situations
  • How to become a calm, confident leader your students (and other people in your life) need you to be
  • The 4 steps to authentic, deeper-than-you-ever-thought-possible connection so you can build stronger, more meaningful relationships with your students and peers
  • The Fast Friends method so you can quickly establish rapport and trust with new students or colleagues
  • The Power Pause for processing emotional triggers so you can respond thoughtfully rather than react impulsively in high-stress situations
  • The secret to feeling fully resourced, calm and confident in any situation. (It's so easy and so crucial for all your relationships and your mental health that you do this).
  • The simple process for uncovering the hidden beliefs, feelings and drivers behind your unhelpful behaviour and communication patterns so you can break free from self-limiting habits and improve your teaching effectiveness
  • How to REALLY understand others and the motivation behind their behaviour so you can better support your students and collaborate with colleagues
  • What to do when you feel anger rising so you can prevent saying or doing something you'll later regret and maintain a positive classroom atmosphere
  • What to do when kids won't listen - so you can be sure to get your instructions heard, understood and followed
  • How to get your point across when people don't seem to listen so you can ensure your ideas and concerns are heard and addressed
  • The secret to talking with confidence with anyone - including groups - so you can excel in parent-teacher conferences, staff meetings, and classroom presentations
  • How to get anyone's attention in a matter of seconds so you can effectively manage your classroom and engage distracted students
  • How to give praise that actually counts so you can boost student confidence and motivation effectively
  • How to help kids deal with feelings that interfere with learning so you can create an emotionally safe classroom environment conducive to academic growth
  • How NOT to get kids to cooperate so you can avoid common pitfalls that lead to classroom management issues
  • The simple process that encourages kids to cooperate so you can create a harmonious and productive learning environment
  • How to solve classroom problems together so you can foster a sense of community and shared responsibility among your students
  • How to guarantee kids will disrespect you - AND WHAT TO DO INSTEAD so you can identify and correct counterproductive behaviours in your teaching approach
  • How to redirect and resolve inappropriate classroom behaviour FAST - without causing confrontation.
  • 5 Ways to get 100% classroom attention, whenever you need it. These work pretty much EVERY time.

What You'll Get:

  1. 3 x 2 hour Live Zoom Sessions. These sessions guide you through the Magic Conversations for Teachers program. You'll have opportunity to practice scripts and processes with others and ask questions to deepen understanding. Practice is crucial with this method and we would encourage you to join the live classes. 
  2. Lifetime Access to Recordings. Can't make a live session or prefer self-study? No problem! Whilst we urge people to join live if they can, all sessions are recorded for you to watch at your convenience, forever.
  3. Downloadable Transcripts. For those who prefer to learn, or back up learning,  through reading. 
  4. Workbook activities and resources. Reinforce your learning with our detailed resources, full of exercises and real-world examples.

£240+ Worth of Bonuses included:

(All bonuses will be delivered at the end of the 3rd session)

1. The Peace Process. Additional training session teaching how to process emotional blocks that affect our relationships and actions so you can overcome personal triggers, barriers and create a more positive classroom environment (Normally charged at £100 for 1:1 clients)

2. Positive Classroom Culture Pack - Ready-to-go activities plus reminder cards and posters for cultivating peer relationships and building class community. (Value £47)

3. Empathy-based 'Micro Script' pack - Quick, powerful phrases and prompts you can use in the classroom to increase student engagement and de-escalate confrontation. (Value £17)

4. The Relationship Process - One of our most popular Needs-Focused recorded trainings on building trusting bonds with hard-to-reach students (Value £47)

5. The Teacher Boundary Blueprint - Learn our unique process for freeing yourself from the burden of unrealistic expectations and demands on your time! 

Includes a stepped process and sample scripts to help you say "no" without guilt to  unreasonable requests in a professional way and  confidently set boundaries that protect you from anxiety and burnout. (Value £37)

How it Works

The Magic Conversations program consists of 3 x Live-Via-Zoom sessions plus associated downloadable tools and transcripts.

Program Dates:

  • Mon 25th Nove 7-9pm (UK time)
  • Tues 26th Nove 7-9pm (UK time)
  • Weds 27th Nove 7-9pm (UK time)

All sessions will be recorded for those who can't make the live calls and stored in your own private online member area.

100% Guarantee

If you do not get value from this live training and templates you can claim a full refund within 7 days of the first live session. Simply email your receipt and you will be refunded inside 3 working days (minus £10 processing fee).

Join Now at the Early Bird Rate 

If you wish to book more than 5 members of staff please contact us via our helpdesk: 

Bonuses will be provided at the end of the three days. 

Discount ends when timer reaches zero - price will revert to £147









Single User


One Payment of £97 (Normally £147)

  • Video recordings of all 3 Zoom sessions (lifetime access, Self-study in your own time)
  • Gain full understanding by taking part in all the exercises (and ask questions to deepen knowledge)
  • BONUS #1: The Peace Process (Value £100)
  • BONUS #2: Positive Classroom Culture Pack (Value  £47)
  • BONUS #3: Micro Script Pack (Value £17)
  • BONUS #4: The Relationship Process (Value £47)
  • BONUS #5: Champion Teacher eCourse (Value 97)

  • BONUS #6: The Boundary Blueprint (Value £27)

Single User Multi-Pay

2 x £67

2 monthly payments of £67 (Normally 2 x £97)

  • Video recordings of all 3 Zoom sessions (lifetime access, self study in your own time)
  • Gain full understanding by taking part in all the exercises (and ask questions to deepen knowledge)
  • BONUS #1: The Peace Process (Value £100)
  • BONUS #2: Positive Classroom Culture Pack (Value  £47)
  • BONUS #3: Micro Script Pack (Value £17)
  • BONUS #4: The Relationship Process (Value £47)
  • BONUS #5: Champion Teacher eCourse (Value 97)

  • BONUS #6: The Boundary Blueprint (Value £27)

Up to 10 Staff


Normally £697

  • Video recordings of all 3 Zoom sessions (lifetime access, self study in your own time)
  • Gain full understanding by taking part in all the exercises (and ask questions to deepen knowledge)
  • BONUS #1: The Peace Process (Value £100)
  • BONUS #2: Positive Classroom Culture Pack (Value  £47)
  • BONUS #3: Micro Script Pack (Value £17)
  • BONUS #4: The Relationship Process (Value £47)
  • BONUS #5: Champion Teacher eCourse (Value 97)

  • BONUS #6: The Boundary Blueprint (Value £27)

Still on the fence?

I get it.

So let me give you a little more background...

If you're finding yourself frustrated by daily disruptions, battles, and endless pressure... and the typical methods simply aren't working for you - then trying a different approach would seem sensible.

You see, when students...

  • Don't listen and don't follow directions…
  • Constantly battle disruptions and misbehavior…
  • Ignore you, talk over you, and argue with you…
  • Struggle to engage with lessons…
  • Can't seem to cooperate or work together…'s not just a 'behavioural' issue that can be solved through rewards, merits, warnings and punishments. These are all symptoms of unmet needs. 

To put it another way:

Their Behaviour is Not Defiance.

It's a cry for Attention & Connection!

Your students are not being difficult on purpose. They simply cannot behave any other way - their inbuilt emotional needs won't let them.

They need your support, guidance and leadership.

You can't "control" your students. Not if you want long-lasting change. Real change has to come from them. So we must seek to connect, guide and lead, rather than control. 

You have to bring them into the process of problem-solving. Because they're the ones that have to learn to manage themselves.

With Magic Conversations, true change happens when your students feel that you're on their team, working alongside them and with them rather than using control tactics on them.

When they feel understood and supported — truly believed in — they start to see you - and themselves - in a new light.

They move from feeling overwhelmed, confused and pressured by what's being imposed on them, to feeling heard, seen, valued. They start to recognise their strengths and capabilities and to experience the tremendous benefit of positive connection.

The truth is, most teachers don't need yet another classroom management technique or strategy. 

But here's what the experts say that you DO need...

Based on numerous studies, educational psychologists recommend CONNECTION as one of the most effective tools for teachers facing challenging classroom dynamics.

Communication and connection training is a powerful solution with lasting effects.

And when it comes to communication training, this unique method can really help. .

Still unsure?

OK. Ask yourself this:

  • How much is a peaceful classroom worth to you?
  • What would it mean to go home knowing you had a method to really connect with your toughest students and help them change their attitude towards learning?
  • How would your life change if you could handle any difficult conversation with confidence?

You became a teacher to make a difference. Now it's time to give yourself this powerful communication tool to do just that.

The program is guaranteed. You can try it at my risk. All I ask is that you give it a go.  Join Magic Conversations for Teachers and start transforming your approach to classroom management today!


Reach out to our helpdesk any time: 


About your trainer: Rob Plevin

Rob Plevin is an ex-Special Ed teacher and deputy Headteacher with 35 years of experience in a variety of teaching, training, and coaching roles. He created the Needs Focused Teaching Method as a way of addressing classroom management and student engagement issues and has trained thousands of teachers in needs-based teaching methods.

Rob is also:

  • A certified Meditation & Mindfulness Teacher, qualified with Zenways (accredited by the International Mindfulness Teachers Association) in 2011.
  • A Level 2 Youth Mindfulness Soma Programme Teacher
  • A Yoga Teachers College® Certified Yoga Breath Coach®
  • Trained in Marshall Rosenberg's Non-Violent Communication methodology from 2019-2021


"Rob explains what can be quite difficult concepts very simply. He has a wonderful style of delivery which is very relaxing and well-paced. I have really enjoyed and benefited greatly from the sessions & I would encourage anybody to enroll on a course with Rob." - Caroline Livingstone